Thursday, September 29, 2005

New topic, Hummingbirds.

My aunt waits every year to see the small, light weighted, Hummingbirds! ^^ They always come and nearly chop off my uncles head, but hey, they're cute enough. Lol. Okay, there's one trapped in the garage, I would let it out, I just can't find the ladder, if I had the ladder, it'd be free. But nooo... -.- Found the ladder, it's behind me. Lol. I can't take it downstairs though, I'd fall to my death. I know some people might not like that, so, I'll wait. It's Thurday! That means tomorrow's Friday, I like fridays! ^_^ Okay, before I get on a weird posting rampage, I'll go.

Until next! ^^

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

From one thing to the next.

Yeah, I started school again. The lights were either flickering or out in some places. For the morning there was no airconditioning. People, this is HOUSTON, HOUSTON, TEXAS. It gets hot. They managed to start up the air conditioners at about 10 minutes before they would let us out for not having the air conditioning. It didn't even kick in until my last class of the day. Such a bright idea to wear this sweater/Shirt today. My mistake. I will NEVER do it again. I knew pink was an accursedcolor! Yeah my uncle managed to make me wear pink, figures. He said it's my 'color' too. This preppy girl told me it wasn't my color, I should go for blue, no green. And I happened to be wearing dark red pants that are almost black. {The same pants that I had an accident with, causing quite a few things to turn pink.} But there it goes, my 'lovely' day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Okay, this is almost a confession.

I've always been bad with calculating time, so I don't really know how long it has been.. In the middle of 8th I was, yes, taken form my mother. We argued a great amount, having her dub me the bad word for female dog when she got angry. And I can still here her screaming at me, calling me that. I was relieved, I couldn't believe I was finally free! It's been almost a year since I've seen her. I never cry, not since the argueing stopped. I used to leave in anger, and yes, cry. Two nights ago, I was trying to sleep and couldn't, I missed my mother so bloody much a was in tears and couldn't breath for about 30 minutes. Yes, I do miss her. We left my father when I was two, making it so I cannot full understand the concept of having the father figure, also not being able to call anyone else anything related to a father. I was left with my moher for a very long time, yes, she was influenced well with drugs, consisting of weed, and she drank too. So here was the beginning of sparks of anger for me. Yes we fought, I would dead miserable... But I miss her. I would gladly give this peace I tend to have now, to be with my mother again, and by all means, I do mean this..

Monday, September 26, 2005


Okay, I haven't postre, because I couldn't think of what to post, simply that, but I have something to say. I HATE MY AUNT'S DOG. It is an obese chiwawa that actually vomited in my lap. We were just about home and she decided, hey Solin's holding me, so Blleeeh. -.-;; Horible experience under my belt now. I could live a happy life without that one. Well, that's my rambling for the day. And a note: Don't get a dog.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Before the storm.

Okay, maybe I wasn't able to get online when I wanted to, but now. It's so weird, no birds a chirping, they all left. It's just really quiet, you can tell it's coming. And to make my mum feel better, I have this niftly little fact. The hurricane is moving in a clockwise direction, and it is moving at about ten miles an hour. For Louisiana, it gets hit harder, due to the clockwise direction, the winds get ten more miles per hour attached to them, while here in Texas, we get the ten subtracted, get hit less strongly. Now, the worst that's bound to come is the rain(That hasn't started) and the winds, they will only be about 70 mph. See? Not too bad. If I don't post again for a few days - The power went out, but I will give you my fill on it when the power comes back on. Onward! To the storm we go!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Blast the refresh.

I had a nice long post about the hurricane coming towards me, in Houston, Texas. But, of course, it messed up. But, I can tell of some effects. The hurricane is worrying my 'family friends' to death, this one we call little Cindy was crying a little while ago because they might not have a place to go. No place to go, Ashton is trying to watch after her, he just left here to do so. Honestly.. A hurricane is NOT what we need. I have no school for the rest of the week, so I will post an update on what's going on, seeya.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I went to a friend's house, I think his name was Kyle, there was another girl and two othr boys. We were working on the biology project we have, Mr. Smith likes to have us teach the class, rather than him. But hey, I'm not complaining, what's hard to learn about the Biome Tundra? Well, one person didn't make it to Kyle's house, while another, Tarek, was late, he didn't even do anything anyway. Rebecca cam with me, and Alex came a little after we got started. We basically started the food chains, the food wed, the two graphs, notes on the graph, and we planned it out. For the food chains and web, we are using the pictures of the animals, it looks pretty nifty, although it also looks like we didn't do too much, when in truth, we did. Well, tomorrow we finish it, at Kyle's again, I go there, what, Seven pm? Now, for my raving of the day to end. ^_^ Oh, and before I forget, Love you lots mum.

Monday, September 19, 2005


I have an unsettling B in Algebra I a B in Biology, and I failed Geography so I am placed in Academic. They are two units behind me! It sucks! I liked Pre-Ap ALOT more. -.-; I wonder.. If I pass that class with a HIGH A, if they will place me back into Pre-Ap? If not, I have to wait until 10th grade - I do NOT want to wait. Oh, and I really need t remember to take my gym clothes home. The weekend went well, I got to give my uncle a surprise party, my aunt's was much better, I might add. Other than that, I played video games, and slept. As I said before, I couldn't get on for the weekend, so yeah. for now, my ranting shall come to a close. ^_~

Friday, September 16, 2005

Birthday surprise, and no weekend internet.

This weekend I will not be able to blog, I know, you will all miss me. Maybe you wont, Daph'll be having a wonderful weekend with that my little sister while I play the role given to me as to be in a surprise party for a certain uncle of mine. He thinks he is going to a resturant with my aunt and his friend, she will act like she needs to take he car while he takes his, his friend will take my two brothers and me to the resturant. What a surprise this will be for him. ^_^ Can';t wait, really. He gave my aunt a surprise birthday this year, now she's doing it in return! Marriages are so much fun to watch, one spites the other playfully while the other gets revenge. ^_^ I make it sound awful, I know, but hey, people have their views and opinions, and I fully respect that. So I will be off, until Monday! ^_^

Thursday, September 15, 2005


We all know the devastation Katrina gave, right? As for those who do not, not only do you need to watch the news, but you need to know. Well, New Orleans was drowned, basically. This may sound, disgusting, but it did spark a sense of my stubbornness. It starts like this. The lake broke what was holding it back, so is basically made a lake of New Orleans. The water was fresh water, so it sits there and stagnates(Not sure if right would) and all other disgusting things deteriorate within in, flesh, petroleum, the other materials made from what was held into the city. Now, there is only one place to put this water that has been, for lack of better words, corrupted. They are pumping it back into the lake it came from. This lake was the lake New Orleans got it's own supply of fresh water from, it was also an ideal place to swim, and fish. New Orleans will not have those same qualities when it is back and running. They also have a way to purify the water, and this is what sparks at me the most. They could, run a small amount of this corrupted water down the big river next to it, the Mississippi river. Okay, everyone who has lived in Texas has at least seen Galveston, the water is, actually, VERY clean. The Mississippi river runs into it, making the currents go to Galveston and makes it look dirty. If this corrupted water goes to Galveston, it would 'corrupt' that water as well. My Biology teacher told us this, and he said that was what they were most likely to do. Someone asked if they knew that Galveston would be effected, he said eventually. Eventually. Will eventually keep this water clean? Will eventually help those in New Orleans? That was like a big, flashing red button for me. _-_ Doesn't this effect any of you?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The unofficial, official tagging.

I am doing this because I have had it on my mind. Tagging can be fun, anyways. ^^

10 years ago I was:

....4 in Deer Park a happy and innocent life with my mom a group of four friends

5 years ago I was:

....9 to Houston with my mother
....the 'outsider' during my awake hours

1 year ago I was:

....having the best year of my life in middle school
....surrounded by my closest friends
....being moved to my uncle's with my brothers

Yesterday I was:

....scampering from class to class
....pondering upon answers to this tagging
....wondering on the true definition of home
....deciding it was time to write again

5 snacks I enjoy the most:

Any chocolate
Noodle cups
Hot pockets

5 songs I know all the words to:

Good Riddance, Greenday.
Nice to know you, Incubus.
Wish you were here, Incubus.
Are you in? Incubus
Poprocks & Coke, Greenday.

5 ideal places for running away to:

My home away from home. (Daph's place.)
Resevore, The attics.. (Different names, same place.)
A desolate forested area.
My room.
The Jefferey's. (Family friends.)

5 items you will never see me wear:

A white skirt.
A short skirt.
Any food product.
Powdered fish scales and who knows what. (Make-up.)
An animal suit.

5 biggest joys in my life:

The strength(Spiritually) of my two, annoying, brothers.
My dear little sister smiling.
My alternative rock music. (Always calms me.)
My writings
My mother's paintings.

My 3 favorite toys:

Electric keyboard. (Soon to be replaced with an acoustic guitar.)

See I did it, I may not be that old, but I could go ten years. Yeah. ^_~ Have fun ya'll.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Timeless tales.

You ever notice that if you tell someone a story, they repeat it, but by the time it comes back your way, it has changed so much. It's actually a really funny thought. Makes me think of Elementary school when they got you to sit in a circle, one person whispered a word to the next until it came back around. I'll tell you, ever single time, the word was changed from it's original state. Now, with this innocent bit of information, I'll have ye think a little deeper. If this is so, then when teachers, people, and anything or body else recites something by memory and try to have someone learn it, wouldn't it be altered? You know, like altering the real thing into something else? I think it is some pretty good food for thought. ^_^

Monday, September 12, 2005

Writing, my favorite.

You know, I like to rite, I've been having major cravings to do just that, yet the time I actually have online is getting smaller, and smaller. Oh, what I would give to have enough time. I have characters, too, the wierd twisted things that have been coming up are driving me crazy. But nooo, Solin Can't get on, the computer is for work, and homework. -.-; Perhaps this little time will get rid of some of the cravings? Nah, doubt it. Been forever since my little sister has been able to roleplay with me. I should get her for that too. I should also add to the writing area I have here, having wrote anything down, for it isn't what I have been told this 'poetry' I write, I want to roleplay, flat out roleplay. Cravings strike at night too, they keep me up a while. Heh. Well, better stop the ranting better I bore myself, Ciao!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Out of place, and a little off.

Okay, I moved from my mom's to my uncle's and Daph is my second home, but where's the first one? I don't exactly have the capability to truly call soemwhere home so it has made me feel all out of place, and home-sick of the home I cannot locate. So that has made me feel off, like off-balanced, off in my studies.. I am usually well-balanced and I usually have the will to do my work, but it has like... Evaporated, or something. I don't know, if I did, I wouldn't have to be posting this. If I knew what was wronge, I'd be better, but bleh. soo off, can't even write anything well...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Meh, who ever like Geography anyway?

I have, or had an F in my Geography class, so naturally, I ask for extra credit, she says she doesn't give it through neomail, so that way it sucks. Oh, and I have been a little off, on everything, from my balance to my classes. Odd. But, see, I nevr quite liked ANY geography.. History... I afiled history one year, wasn't good, the teache constantly called my uncle about my grades, it annoyed him so much. My brother even got that teacher, he failed her class too, she called, it was funny to watch my uncle get angry from the calls. ^^ Yeap. My uncle even went to my highschool, he had to roam my classes, he was late for the first one, said the place was too complicated and left. While he did that, my aunt, brothers and me were eating at Casa Ole'. Good rice there.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

My lovely weekend.

I got to see the Jeferry's, alot has changed. They are like the best friends that count bac before I met my mum. About four or fiev years ago, when I first moven into the lovely place of Houston, my brother met one of them and that started the friendship, simply put. Well, they are the genius's, you know, GT classes. But yeah, one of them love to talk with me, believing as I do that my brother is just not someone to talk to. Well, we stayed up pretty late, and I was getting DROWSY he woke me up by staring at me, that's all, then groggily, we started talking until I got so paranoid that his mother would wear us out, I told him we should go to sleep. He like to talk about a story he is developing, it's pretty interesting too. Now, his younger brother was glad to see me and welcomed me with a hug. ^^ His older brother was like, 'Oh, it's you, good to see you' then goes off to play a game. They had an even older brother, but he left into college in Utah. I woke up when we were supposed to, but kept falling back asleep until they started beating me with pillows and stuff.

Well, we went home and I went to church, then played a new game, and went to sleep, being woken up to spit shine the whole house. Which, I might add WAS NOT DIRTY. I mean, wow, maybe a few droplets have gotten on the mirrors and stuff, but tht was it. I also watched half of WHite Noise. For the second time, pretty good movie, I might say. Now, for my ranting to end.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Yes, Daphenwood actually tagged me, but as she believed, it'll take my train of thought. There for, here I go.

As for the first part, I am a little confused, but will try. ^^

7 things you may not know about Daphenwood.

1. She is the coolest mom out there.
2. She has a diet that she eats every other day.
3. She has one daughter and two sons.
4. She has a cat named Freckles! ^^An adorable kitty!
5. She is learning the guitar.
6. She happens to almost be an obsessive blogger.
7. She works, scanning things in.

7 things I have never done and may never do.

1. Ate until I vomited.
2. Wield a real gun.
3. Any sorts of drugs.
4. Left the computer when friends are online.
5. Live without a computer.
6. Lose contact with my family in Kansas.
7. And to stop writing.

7 things I did NOT do this weekend.

1. Anything requiring much movement.
2. Fight with my brothers.
3. Skateboard.
4. Write anything new.
5. Play gameboy.
6. Contact my little sister - Should have.
7. Lead an army.

7 times I was almost killed or seriously injured.

1. I was riding my bike and this smart man sharply turns the corner, and I bare dodge the guy, hit the curb go a good distance into the air and land in some grass next to my bike.
2. I was just learning how to ride a bike and a went down this ramp like area infront of my house and hit the curb, barely missing a tree before I fell off the bike.
3. I was walking with a friend around an area then out of nowhere a huge dog comes out and chases us to the closest house.
4. I was swimming in a pool with my brother and a few friends, this girl comes us and begins to try and drown me, when she was taking a floaty from my little brother, and I tried to get it back, well I am in the process of being drowned unil one of my brothers literally pulled her away from me, thus, enbling me to breath.
5. My brother and I were talking in piglatin across the kazebo and this big FAT girl comes up and tells us to stop, that she wanted to know what we were saying, well, we don't she gets ticked off and tries to run after us, we were faster, she ends up trying to throw her shoes after us before taking chase, then tries to pull a branch off of a tree, giving us a major lead. Moral is, we got away, could've gotten hurt, but didn't, but got to see the girl run after us.
6. Another scenario when my brothers and I were swiming. Well, there we were, swimming, then the same fat girl comes and actually manages to trap my brother, me, and a friend of mine in the pool area, I get my brothers free, but I come back for my friend, she was against the wall of the pool crying, so a placed both hands to the sides of the pool, standing behind her, enabling it so that if the girl was to strike, I would be striken. The fat girl actually got into the wter, cussing us out in the wretched language of slang, then eventually, I get my friend out, unscathed. We go to my house and sit in the living room before someone knocks on the door, it was the fat girl, I opened the door a little before figuring it was a bad idea and having it basically kicked open and that same fat girl give me a nice punch before running off, I had swung around, making it weaker, but I was in a slight state of shock. She couldn't punch worth anything, btter for me.
7. The last would bee.. Well, my mother had the worst choice of friends, she managed to really tick off this rather strong man who held a gudge, he basically broke in, bet up the guy she had staying over to watch us and the guy fell onto my bed whil I was sleeping, I woke instantly and moved away, muttering for him to leave, he does, mumbling something involving a few curse words, that I couldn't decipher. Basically might be able to count as near death?

7 people to tag.

Now, I know like one oher person, but I can try.. For one, I will choose Miroka, then.. Shiro, Lady Lark, ... Three more.. There's Kaps, Two left.. DarkMystic, last one... Well, can't think of one, when I do, I'll post it here.

Something I have noticed.

When I really seem desperate, or something in a post, when I actually would like answers, no one does, and when it is gibberish, or something else, they do. People! You are wierd! Lol. Well, think about this, everyone is the least bit wierd, I just happen to be more than a little. ^^

Thursday, September 01, 2005

My day, in a nutshell.

Hey, what do you know? I was depressed a while back, well, sort of. But I am over it. ^^ School still sucks, I hapen to be failing one, I might get kicked out of Pre-ap.. But hey, why look down when I can look up? ^^ See, I am pretty much better. I had a rally today, I messed with my friends the whole time though, fell a billion times, since there were so many people, we were standing. It was pretty much fun, actually, although I have six pages of Biology homework..