Timeless tales.
You ever notice that if you tell someone a story, they repeat it, but by the time it comes back your way, it has changed so much. It's actually a really funny thought. Makes me think of Elementary school when they got you to sit in a circle, one person whispered a word to the next until it came back around. I'll tell you, ever single time, the word was changed from it's original state. Now, with this innocent bit of information, I'll have ye think a little deeper. If this is so, then when teachers, people, and anything or body else recites something by memory and try to have someone learn it, wouldn't it be altered? You know, like altering the real thing into something else? I think it is some pretty good food for thought. ^_^
Don't plan to stop, and thanks, but no thanks about the music n' such. ^^
Hmm, I wonder if Mr. Simpson is a blogger-bot... Do you know how to keep those away?
Go into your dashboard at blogspot.com, and click on the name of your blog. Then click the 'Settings' tab at the top. Click 'Comments,' and scroll down to the radio buttons labeled, "Show word verication for comments?" Select 'Yes,' then at the bottom click 'Save Settings.' Follow the blogger directions after that- it might tell you to republish the index to see the results.
I remember that game- operator. And I think you're probably right. It is interesting how different people interpret things so differently...
It is, it is also pretty much fun to see other's aspects of different things as well.
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