Friday, September 23, 2005

Before the storm.

Okay, maybe I wasn't able to get online when I wanted to, but now. It's so weird, no birds a chirping, they all left. It's just really quiet, you can tell it's coming. And to make my mum feel better, I have this niftly little fact. The hurricane is moving in a clockwise direction, and it is moving at about ten miles an hour. For Louisiana, it gets hit harder, due to the clockwise direction, the winds get ten more miles per hour attached to them, while here in Texas, we get the ten subtracted, get hit less strongly. Now, the worst that's bound to come is the rain(That hasn't started) and the winds, they will only be about 70 mph. See? Not too bad. If I don't post again for a few days - The power went out, but I will give you my fill on it when the power comes back on. Onward! To the storm we go!


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