Yes, Daphenwood actually tagged me, but as she believed, it'll take my train of thought. There for, here I go.
As for the first part, I am a little confused, but will try. ^^
7 things you may not know about Daphenwood.
1. She is the coolest mom out there.
2. She has a diet that she eats every other day.
3. She has one daughter and two sons.
4. She has a cat named Freckles! ^^An adorable kitty!
5. She is learning the guitar.
6. She happens to almost be an obsessive blogger.
7. She works, scanning things in.
7 things I have never done and may never do.
1. Ate until I vomited.
2. Wield a real gun.
3. Any sorts of drugs.
4. Left the computer when friends are online.
5. Live without a computer.
6. Lose contact with my family in Kansas.
7. And to stop writing.
7 things I did NOT do this weekend.
1. Anything requiring much movement.
2. Fight with my brothers.
3. Skateboard.
4. Write anything new.
5. Play gameboy.
6. Contact my little sister - Should have.
7. Lead an army.
7 times I was almost killed or seriously injured.
1. I was riding my bike and this smart man sharply turns the corner, and I bare dodge the guy, hit the curb go a good distance into the air and land in some grass next to my bike.
2. I was just learning how to ride a bike and a went down this ramp like area infront of my house and hit the curb, barely missing a tree before I fell off the bike.
3. I was walking with a friend around an area then out of nowhere a huge dog comes out and chases us to the closest house.
4. I was swimming in a pool with my brother and a few friends, this girl comes us and begins to try and drown me, when she was taking a floaty from my little brother, and I tried to get it back, well I am in the process of being drowned unil one of my brothers literally pulled her away from me, thus, enbling me to breath.
5. My brother and I were talking in piglatin across the kazebo and this big FAT girl comes up and tells us to stop, that she wanted to know what we were saying, well, we don't she gets ticked off and tries to run after us, we were faster, she ends up trying to throw her shoes after us before taking chase, then tries to pull a branch off of a tree, giving us a major lead. Moral is, we got away, could've gotten hurt, but didn't, but got to see the girl run after us.
6. Another scenario when my brothers and I were swiming. Well, there we were, swimming, then the same fat girl comes and actually manages to trap my brother, me, and a friend of mine in the pool area, I get my brothers free, but I come back for my friend, she was against the wall of the pool crying, so a placed both hands to the sides of the pool, standing behind her, enabling it so that if the girl was to strike, I would be striken. The fat girl actually got into the wter, cussing us out in the wretched language of slang, then eventually, I get my friend out, unscathed. We go to my house and sit in the living room before someone knocks on the door, it was the fat girl, I opened the door a little before figuring it was a bad idea and having it basically kicked open and that same fat girl give me a nice punch before running off, I had swung around, making it weaker, but I was in a slight state of shock. She couldn't punch worth anything, btter for me.
7. The last would bee.. Well, my mother had the worst choice of friends, she managed to really tick off this rather strong man who held a gudge, he basically broke in, bet up the guy she had staying over to watch us and the guy fell onto my bed whil I was sleeping, I woke instantly and moved away, muttering for him to leave, he does, mumbling something involving a few curse words, that I couldn't decipher. Basically might be able to count as near death?
7 people to tag.
Now, I know like one oher person, but I can try.. For one, I will choose Miroka, then.. Shiro, Lady Lark, ... Three more.. There's Kaps, Two left.. DarkMystic, last one... Well, can't think of one, when I do, I'll post it here.