Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Yeah, I've been wanting a guitar FOREVER, and I'm getting one for Christmas. Can't wait, honestly. And I've been pondering on the idea of writing songs and trying to form a little 'band' with good friends. Including my younger brother(By a year) and my dearest little sister. I think she's learning guitar, my brother wants to learn the bass, and if a drummer's needed, we'll fall back to someone. Lol. Now this is just something I have been thinking about, sort of wanting to do as well. Oh, and let me get something straight. If I do manage to develop a band of sorts, who cares about any kind of money? I mean, it'll just be for the heck of it, things all of us do to our best potential. I love music enough as it is and due to the loss of Orchestra, I haven't been able to play any myself, save for my keyboard. But I can't even play the piano. So that's almost a waste. I just want the guitar, then I will be set. ^^

Oh, and I am not good at saying little things to deprive my brother's from their names, alright? I will say the names so I don't get confused, I mean really. If you are going to view my blog and be cruel to the names of my brother's, you got to be in a sad state, and I will most definitely stand up for them. No matter what, or who I would be against. But in the case of close friends I will not give out names, such as my little sister and her brothers. They have nicknames for me to use. But that's just something I wanted settled as well.

Oh, and it's an everyday Tuesday, but it's more like a Wednesday, since there's no school on Friday. So that throws me a bit off. I took a Biology test too, think it killed me though. Ngh. Should have studied. Thought I knew the stuff. But oh well, let's hope I made the grade! As for Algebra I have a test on Thursday, it's over the easiest stuff out there, so I'm alright. I don't know if I have anything in English.. Or Geography.. Whatever, that's what I have, or don't have. Lol.

On the 17th of December, I have the major Birthday party for Kenith and me. Can't wait at all. As many people as we know can come, and we want to think up a theme for it too. Lol. Probably will make our friends run away if we do. But hey, I've rambled quite a bit much today, tootles! ^^


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