Yupp. This is how the evening started. I get taken home and of course, get online, wait a little while and the two brothers of mine are fighting, give them a little time and someone's crying. After that, my uncle comes home, kicks me offline and chews me out for not cleaning the kitchen. (Which is my brother's job.) Then after a while we go and walk down the street to the store, I get the shampoo and conditioner, my little brother gets chocolate. Have you seen what they have done to the Reeses? They are BIG. But, going on, my older, younger brother, get a necklace with Chinese or Japanese letters on it, and I get a choker. Turns out the necklace my brother got was too small for him, so I got it. ^_^ It's cool, when we get hom my uncle makes us eat and guess what? Afterwards I get a little job, I get to climb a ladder, and balance while cutting to this vine, or ivy sorts of thing. And I like continue to cut at it with scissors, the kinds teachers try to make you use, you know, the ones that don't really work on paper. So I get stuck, having had to reach a little too far, with my uncle going off saying, "Are you stuck? How are you going to get down?" Yeah, soo trying to help, but I got down, without falling, thankfully. Also, I have come to be greatfull being gifted with balance. ^_^ That's all I have for now.