Friday, December 02, 2005

A wonderful end to a horrible week.

My week wasn't good for me. Hence why I haven't posed in a while. I haven't really been in the mood. But only so long can you stand to be pushed around in hallways, late to every class and be the one to apologize. Monday I was late to school. My uncle took forever to figure out he didn't have cash on him, then had to find a lost ATM card, we had to stop[ somewheer for him to get money, then I had to go out in the cold and buy something to get change, and I was late to my first period of class. I was late to every class that day. Next day my mood was horrible and up to today I nearly went to tears from being frustrated. Today I wasn't feeling well, but went to school anyway. In Gym I had to play basketball, but from playing my head hurt soo much my ears were painfully hurting, my vision was very blureed and I couldn't breathe properly. I might have some kind of asthma, sine I feel the worst at Gym. After gym my head still hurt, then my stomach, and after that I was very tired. But at the comepletely end of the day I was feeling better and was pretty much energized. I'm happy to just be able to relax. although for the weekend I have nothing to look forward for, same goes for the week. Wll, that's the end of my complaining for now. but I happen to have figured out how much I like Biology class. It really peaks my interest soo much, it's kind of funny. I thought English was my favorite, but I like boilogy much more. It just interests me. Well, I'm out.


Blogger Ryan said...

i am so glad school is over 4 me well at least high school.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005  
Blogger Daphnewood said...

you're coming here! you're coming here! Thank you uncle and his connections with the airlines!

Thursday, December 08, 2005  

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